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Boost your email open rates by 45% with one click

You have written a great email - it’s taken hours of research, thought and re-drafting. It’s persuasive, powerful and you know it will be effective… and only 10% of your list opens it.

It is so discouraging to know that your effort and the value you’ve provided haven’t reached so many of the people who could best use it. It would be tempting to feel like all your hard work was wasted. But it doesn’t have to be.

The easiest way to increase your overall open rate is to resend to “unopens” (subscribers that didn’t open the previous email).

At first, you might be afraid of irritating your list but there hasn’t been an increase in unsubs with any of our clients that choose to resend.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Let me share a typical example:

One of our clients has a list of more than 25,000 subscribers who have gone through the initial indoctrination sequence but haven’t bought the flagship product.

So we started resending emails 4 days after the original email, with the same subject line, to all the unopens. This is what happened:

  • The first email had a 30% open rate, 3% CTR, 0.5% unsubscribe rate.
  • The resend email had a 22% open rate, 2%CTR, and 0.4% unsubscribe rate.

The 22% open rate on the resent email represents a 45% increase in the overall open rate for that email!

And the unsubscribe rate actually went down

What would a 45% increase in open rates mean for your business?

The 3 Rules of Resending

1. What to resend

Resending emails work best with newsletters, product updates and especially affiliate promotions.

Don’t resend your “special offer” that was supposed to have ended 48hrs ago.

2. When to resend

2-4 days is most effective

3. Where does resending fit into my regular email campaign?

Don’t resend any emails before that subscriber has left your main indoctrination sequence.

Also, you don’t have to change the subject line unless you specifically want to A/B test your headlines.

Protip: Once you’ve achieved regular results with a simple, one-click resend, trying resending at different times and A/B testing your subject lines. That will squeeze every last drop of ROI from your list.

Test it out on your next campaign and see how your audience reacts.

Source: This article was originally published on: indiehackers.com and written by Huguesworks. Image by Adam Solomon on Unsplash

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